Category: Gardening

Simple Holiday Table Arrangement

Many of you enjoyed Jessica’s piece on why she gardens with her kids. Today she is back to share a simple tutorial for creating a fresh foraged holiday table arrangement. Thanks for your words and for sharing your creativity Jessica! – Bethany This time of year…

In the Garden: Fun Ideas for Harvesting with Kids

Welcome to Lauresa Larson who is guest posting today from Backyard Fresh Meals! Read on to enjoy a bunch of simple and practical learning activities for this time of year with your toddlers in the garden. -Bethany Harvest time is my second favorite part of gardening.…

Why Garden with Your Kids? from Jessica at The Little Farm Wagon

Enjoy this gardening inspiration today courtesy of Jessica Smith from Wilsonville, Oregon! Check out Jessica’s instagram @thelittlefarmwagon and facebook page where you’ll find more beautiful pictures of their gardening endeavor and made-to-order bouquets. -Bethany My 15 month old toddler trips over the hose and falls into the…

Toddlers in the Garden: Planting time, again!

We were told that some plants need to be planted earlier and some later, so we planted lettuce and peas first, in the earlier spring and we planted everything else about a month later.  The picture below clearly describes my two-year-olds interest in gardening this round.…

Toddlers in the Garden: Weeding + Planting

A lot of the actual prep work had to be done by Jed and I.  There was just no way Jack and Nora were going to be able to pull out huge weeds and till the soil.  But.. they really loved trying.  We gave Jack a…

Toddlers in the Garden: Planting Starters

So this year my husband and I decided to start gardening with the kids. (ages 4 and 2)  We are by no means gardeners, so if you are looking for tips on how to make a spectacular garden, this definitely isn’t the place.:)  We DID decide…