The Idea Box

Here at the Toddler Test Kitchen, we have found that talking to other parents, and getting their ideas, inspires us and makes us better parents. The Idea Box is a place for you to share your VERY BEST parenting tips, your moments of brilliance and parenting genius, so that the rest of us can learn from you!

What has worked for you? What has made the toddler stage a breeze? What is the #1 advice you’d share with another parent or caregiver struggling? What article/website/resource has really given you the answers you needed for _________ (fill in the blank)? PLEASE SHARE!

Every month we will have a different parenting topic. You can submit answers on our Facebook page or Instagram – or right here in The Idea Box. We will review your answers and select the top 5 responses – these answers will be featured in our idea box blog post for that month!

Put in your name and email if you’d like to take credit for your response! Or leave it blank if you want to be an anonymous submitter. THANK YOU!!!

Idea Box Archives